
Magnifies AND Brightens!
Clarifies Detail!
Doubles as a Paperweight
Comes in two sizes
Click here for details

We live with a cheese monster. Oh, he looks like a normal little boy and sometimes (sometimes) he acts normal. Most often, however, he acts like a little boy. We call him the cheese monster because when we eat at a restaurant (other than McDonald's, which, you know, isn't really a restaurant) he orders cheese. It's usually served grated in a bowl. This is because the waiter is sadistic. By the end of lunch there is cheese in his hair, on the floor, on the table, on his shirt and somehow on the bottom of his pants, on the unfortunate one of us that has sat beside him, sometimes on the waiter (Ha!). Once, as he was face down in a bowl of grated cheese, I asked him if he could try eating like a little boy instead of a dog and he said "I'm not eating like a dog, I'm eating like a bug." Can't argue with that. Sigh.
In an effort to increase our appeal to you, we have produced a cheese-free catalog. Blessings on you and yours.
Please note: Our address and contact numbers have changed. Here is the new information:
Physical Location:
1394 S. State Highway 125
Rogersville, MO 65742
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 203
Turners, MO 65765
Phone: (417) 753-2971
If you have specific questions please let us know and we'll answer them as soon and as best we can.